Monday, November 10, 2008

Reflections on living in "Barack-lyn"

Apparently my fair borough has earned this nickname because 79% of votes last Tuesday went to Obama. It's certainly strange to have moved from Mitt Romney central to a place where so many support our president-elect. I was able to work with a voter registration drive in the beginning of October, and it was awesome to see how many minorities were totally stoked, first-time voters. (Yes, there are a lot of black folk in Brooklyn).

There should be more representative candidates, which is why I am not a big fan of the two-party system. It necessarily fosters only the candidates that Big Money supports, and thus the policies that Big Money wants. People should be able to vote for candidates that they're excited for and supportive of, not just the lesser of two evils.

The other day I saw a girl carrying a bag adorned with:



It made me laugh.

I also stood in line for two hours waiting to vote.

In other news, it's focus group time, baby!

I tried half-heartedly to get a job when I first moved here, but that was superseded by school. Thus, I'm broke. So broke it's not even funny. I applied for some focus groups last week, and on Thursday, I get to spend an hour and a half talking about chewing gum. Yep.

Hopefully it'll be the easiest 150$ I'll ever make. Until the next time I do it. (Hopefully!)

1 comment:

Chelsi Archibald said...

Wow, maybe I should move to your neighborhood, it sounds much better than the stuff I'm hearing out here.