Sunday, November 2, 2008

What law school does to one's nerves

So you know that feeling when you're head-over-heels for a new crush?

Like, you know they're going to call you soon, and your stomach is in knots, and you can't think of anything else?

I definitely feel like that right now... is there an awesome new guy in my life? NO. (I wish.)

I'm meeting with my Legal Writing professor in 3 hours to get the grade on my second legal writing memo. And to have a conference, but that's secondary. The thing that really matters is my grade.

This competitiveness is getting to me!

1 comment:

Chelsi Archibald said...

Leigh you are such a perfectionist. I'll bet you are one of the top students there :) I'm glad to read that you are alive and well. We need more posts about the quirks of NYC life.